Dribbble HQ here ??
We’re so proud of our community. Tens of millions of users (including some of the world’s most accomplished and influential designers). Over ONE HUNDRED MILLION website visitors every year.
Some people come to find inspiration. Some come to talk shop with like-minded folks. Others come to demonstrate their ability to their peers. Many come to find and hire the perfect designer.
Human connections. That’s why people come here.
Well, we have some BIG news:
1) It’s now free for any user to message any other user. Full stop.
This was a paid feature previously but we want EVERY USER to be able to get in touch with every other user, whether it’s to discuss a project, share ideas, or offer feedback.
2) It’s now free for any user to search for designers to hire. Full stop.
This was also a paid feature previously but we want EVERY USER to be able to search our database of designers available for work. In fact, in the coming months, we plan to make it radically easier for users to search for and hire designers.
Well, yeah, users are willing to pay for these features. Frankly, these paywalled features have contributed?pretty meaningful revenue for Dribbble in recent years (on a related note, best to give our CFO a wide berth today).
There’s no catch, though. We just want to bring people together - human connections, remember? We’re also very aware that many designers come here to connect with clients - anything that throttles lead flow to designers has gotta go.
But wait, there’s more.
3) We’re also introducing brand new features for hirers to promote their open design roles or projects to designers.

Designers will notice some listings on the job board and some direct messages in their inbox are highlighted and pinned. These are users who are very motivated to hire and have paid extra to get a designer’s attention (well, not everything can be free, we gotta keep the lights on around here).

Oh, this? This is Dribbble Pro which ranks users higher in search results to grow their following and generate more client leads (Pro users also have more robust features to showcase their work to prospective clients).
4) Finally, we’re bringing back the Weekly Warm-up!
Every Monday, we’ll kick off the week with a new design prompt for designers to react to - we want to see designers push the envelope with their takes and we’ll highlight our favorites each week (sure, there will be prizes sometimes but this is mostly about bragging rights). Follow us on Dribbble, Instagram, X, and Facebook to never miss a prompt.
First one is next Monday (June 3rd), let’s see who’s bringing it!
Well, that’s all for now but more to come (very) soon - we can’t wait for you to see what’s next ??

P.S. we want to hear from you! Find us on social or email us at [email protected].
Find more Updates stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact [email protected].