With a dozen Dribbble Meetups having taken place around the globe this June, there was ample opportunity for Dribbblers to hang out and talk shop with fellow creative practitioners in their backyards. Local Dribbble communities—from Charleston to Noida—were treated to discussions with resident design leaders, skill-building workshops, and plenty of fun.
Looking to hang out in person with your local design community? There are always Dribbble Meetups on deck to take place across the world, but if you don’t see anything on the docket for your city, think about hosting a local event yourself!
Now, check out what your global design community got up to last month at a few of our Dribbble Meetups—starting off with our very own CEO Zack, who hosted a few meetups in Asia while traveling for a conference!
Bali, Hong Kong, and Seoul

Charleston, South Carolina @ eHouse Studio
“We had a memorable night despite the torrential downpours! The rain subsided and everyone was able to meet up at this sold-out event at eHouse Studio. Our speaker, Paul Dunbar, shared his experience and journey. As the Creative Director for Gotcha Group, Paul shared the philosophy of “The Three F’s: Fame, Fortune, and Fun”, to determine what jobs he would take, saying “no” to the ones that didn’t vibe with at least two of these.”

Malang, Indonesia
“The fourth meetup topic was “How To Make Interesting Motion Graphics” which was attended by dozens of participants. Speakers included Agus Setyawan and Deni Prasetyo from Forum Animasi Malang (FAM), an animator community in Malang. Our Malang Dribbble Meetup was then split into two sessions—sharing knowledge and workshops.”

Noida, India @ Webkul
“The Dribbble Summer Design Meetup at Webkul was a jam-packed event which was attended by more than 50 designers. The event focused on “Designing Prototypes for Virtual Reality” and “Ins and Outs of Conducting User Research.” We were really amazed by the enthusiasm and energy shown by all the attendees.”

Sonarbangla, Bangladesh @ TCB Bhaban
“Our Sonarbangla Dribbble Meetup on June 29 had 53 RSVPs, and we really enjoyed it! We hope to have another event in Bangladesh through the Sonarbangla Dribbble Group soon.”

Noida, India @ Quovantis
“Our second Dribbble meetup at Quovantis was incredible. We kicked off the session with a quick ice-breaker activity, then moved to our session with Sandeep Bose, Sr. Lead UX Designer at Quovantis. He talked about how to design real-world, data-driven applications and shared his personal work and case studies from different industries. We hosted an hour-long UX challenge designing data-driven dashboards. Every group came up with innovative and creative solutions—we loved the energy in these sessions as people were brimming with ideas.”

The following Dribbble Meetups are happening soon. For the full list of upcoming meetups, visit our Meetups page.
Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact stories@www.gpsolusi.com.