CA Arts Network/Advocates – Logo Design
New rebranding direction for an arts advocacy organization on a mission to end the stereotype of the starving artist.
Two sister organizations, Californians for the Arts (CFTA) and California Arts Advocates (CAA), are both working towards one common vision ???? end the paradigm of the starving artist by increasing California’s investment in the arts.
They simply take different approaches in achieving that vision. To advance arts and cultures in the California economy, CFTA builds awareness of services and programs for artists while CAA advocates for policies at the legislative level.
Both organizations prioritize advancing the careers of arts and culture workers as they are an integral part of the economy, society, and community. The logo emphasizes this connection to culture through a custom type that links the C and A letters.
There was an opportunity to update CFTA to CA Arts Network to create a more unified naming structure following CA Arts Advocates. It’s also easier for people to discern between the artist collective versus the advocacy group.