PickAnAnt Rebranding Concept UI Map | Project Searching App

Hey Dribbblers!???

It's about an app called PickAnAnt. On this project i wanted to look what if i would do a complete Rebranding on this mobile app and the Website. How would it look like? Here is a UI Map from some parts of the pages. You can also see a new Logo and Name for this (just to make everything new). About the app there is a really cool idea behind it, you can add a project something like "Put my ikea kitchen together" and other people can send you an offer on that to help you.

You can find PickAnAnt here:?https://pickanant.de/

And the cool hand icon is from the Phosphor Icon Set:?https://phosphoricons.com/

Would be happy to hear some feedback from you!???

Don’t forget to drop a????if you like it!

Eduard Bodak
Designer who codes with accessibility on Webflow.
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