Todoist for iOS 15

We wanted to be ready for Apple's new software release so we worked on a bunch of stuff during two months.

Here's the result of our work for Todoist and the iOS 15/iPadOS 15 release:

Time Sensitive Reminders: Starting?with?iOS 15, Todoist?reminders will be considered?as?Time Sensitive Reminders?so?people?don’t ever miss a reminder they scheduled.

Focus Modes:?Todoist notifications will now use the default interruption level. The only notification that will come through are Todoist reminders which are time sensitive.

New Extra Large Task Widget?introduced with iPadOS 15:?Get a complete overview of your day, week, project, label or filter.

Assignees on Widgets:?Quickly see who’s assigned to a task.

Better Widgets Configuration Screens:?The?Widgets configuration?screens?are?now?more recognizable and?easier to navigate?thanks to familiar?icons?from Todoist.

Add?a task to?Quick Note:?Starting on iOS 15, users will be able to link to their tasks via Quick Note. This feature will be available on iOS and iPadOS at launch,?with macOS support coming at a later stage.

Scan text button in Quick add:?Easily insert text?into the task name and description?by scanning using the?native Live Text feature?in iOS 15.

Pull down all modals to close them:?This makes it faster to?get back to where you were, giving you increased productivity?across the app.

Themed settings icons and rounded cells:?Your?settings?now have?a more personalized look and native feel.

Menu and Sidebar design refresh:?The menu design on iPhone and iPad’s sidebar now looks?much more integrated?with?the OS.


What's Todoist??Todoist is a productivity task manager that keeps all your to-dos organized, prioritized, and actionable. Learn more about how Todoist can help you stress less and do more at?

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